This is a fundamental point in understanding how the calculations made by the program relate to how you would actually sail a course. If you enter a route into the program manually, you are telling the program the exact route
It looks like the optimizer has created routes over land.
Normally, if you attempt to optimize a route between two points on water (whether ocean, lake, or pond), Bluewater Racing will limit the route to that body of water. It will not route your vessel across land. Sometimes, however, the
“Endpoint is unreachable” error
This error can occur for several reasons. You have specified one or more route points that are actually on land. The router will not route over land. To see exactly where your route points are located, from the program’s point
Is There a UNIX/MAC OS version?
A port to Mac OSX has been in the works for a while but there are still little sticky issues. A beta version with not all functionality perfect may be available upon request. Please send a request through the Contacts
I can’t connect to my GPS.
To communicate with the GPS, you have to tell Bluewater Racing where the GPS is plugged into the computer, and what communication protocol the GPS is using. The communication port and protocol can be set from tools->preferences->gps. The GPS will
My route doesn’t correctly optimize across the international date line. How come?
The software doesn’t directly support routes that span the date line. To work around this, you can split your route into two portions, one on each side of the date line. You are forced to chose the point on the
Can I import a route that is in KML/Google Earth/some other format?
Yes. Bluewater Racing uses GPSbabel to import and export routes into many different formats. GPSbabel is a stand-alone freeware program created by engineers at Google, and it is included in Windows installations of Bluewater Racing. Mac OSX users are required
How do I create a new route?
The easiest way is to choose “Edit Mode” by pressing the “Edit” button on the top left side of the window, and then right-clicking on the chart at the location you wish to start the route. This will add the
How do I view a chart stored in a particular raster image format?
Prior to version 1.30, you could only view images stored as gifs or bitmaps. As of 1.30, you can view any image file with one of the following extensions: gif bmp jpg,jpegpngtif,tiffxpmxbmtgasunsgipsppmpixmappcxico Of course, the data inside the file has
Where do I find all the great optimization info, like isochrones and sensitivity?
Isochrones, reverse isochrones, sensitivity analysis, and routing trees are all derived from gridded binary data, so we let the Grib Manager handle them. Open up the Grib Manager: you’ll see them appear under the heading “Internal”. Click on a light